
1st place

8767 points


User Name Score
lepnoxic 1487
YouGuess 4277
ravinesPlains 495
lvert 499
Wixter_07 1517
AgentPWN 492


Hint 2


Hint for Operation Bismark



Challenge Category Value Time
Cookie web 492
blues forensics 497
A Honest Businessman osint 472
Book of Advanced Secrets cryptography 499
Subtracting and Strumming functional programming 500
Shrine osint 477
xQcOW forensics 489
Personal Website web 499
svgosu misc 498
objects in the mirror forensics 463
Hyperdimensional Treasure Hunt scripting 499
git-lost misc 499
zip bomb forensics 498
Zocchihedron cryptography 495
Rick's Diary forensics 489
game of three pwn 494
sparsely populated cryptography 499
The Missing Identity osint 388
Welcome misc 50